Thursday, June 10, 2010


So if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I am utterly obsessed with Star Wars & have been almost my entire life(since the original film hit). I've seen the movies countless time, know all the lines, collect the figures, etc. It's not just a movie for me, it's a part of my life.
I love having SW movie nights where I just pop in the dvds & let them play all night long. I don't even have to be paying attention, It just makes me feel good to have them on. I also play them at work all the time(being in claims I use the SW dvds to test the tvs we get back...pretty sweet, right). It's not unusual to hear a manager go by & go "Star Wars again..". Too funny.
Of course I am crazed when it comes to the figures & it's not unusual for me to run next door to Toys R Us the second they open to look for the latest releases. Right now especially I'm going nuts because TRU has an exclusive wave of figures & it seems every TRU has gotten them except this one. Very frustrating...but it is all the sweeter when I finally find them. Yeah, I'm a nerd...;p

Nerdy Stuff!

So I guess you could say I'm a big kid at heart. While I'm half way through 38, you'd think I was 10 sometimes with my variety of interests. Comics, cartoons, wrestling, action figures, etc. I know some folks would look at this & have issues, but I really don't care. These are things I like & enjoy & I really don't see in the scheme of things why it's even a problem. I know some pretty cool folks who also share similar interests & are really good people(not to mention it's good to have contacts in other areas when you're looking for hard to find items, lol).
Right now I'm giddy as can be because Ben 10(one of my fave shows) just started it's new season(Ultimate Alien) & so a variety of new merchandise is hitting the stores. I love the show, the designs(I go crazy for good character designs), & the premise. When I was younger there was a comic series known as Dial H for Hero that I was obsessed with & Ben 10 is basically a modern day version of it. Imagine turning into any superhero/alien you could imagine. Pretty sweet, right? So I managed to grab a few of the new comics & now I'm trying to scoop up all the action figures I can from the 1st of wave. I managed to grab Rath who is probably my favorite of the new bunch(he turns into a giant man tiger who talks like Hulk Hogan). Btw, I have to say my fiance is a saint for putting up with all this craziness. She has endless patience as she stands by in the toy aisles as I squeal about Star Wars & Transformers, braves the nerd abyss known as the comic store, & watches endless hours of cartoons & WWE with me & never complains. God, I love her...:)
Anywho, I'll try & update more as time allows.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The first one...

Just a quick intro. This blog is basically for me to ramble on about nerdy things I like & piss & moan about work. There will be long winded tales of how wonderful my cats are & why I get excited at the mere thought of new comic day. I work long hours for a very popular retailer & have a tendency to notice more than I should. I like soder & Japanese stuff & I think The Flash is pretty awesome.