Thursday, June 10, 2010


So if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I am utterly obsessed with Star Wars & have been almost my entire life(since the original film hit). I've seen the movies countless time, know all the lines, collect the figures, etc. It's not just a movie for me, it's a part of my life.
I love having SW movie nights where I just pop in the dvds & let them play all night long. I don't even have to be paying attention, It just makes me feel good to have them on. I also play them at work all the time(being in claims I use the SW dvds to test the tvs we get back...pretty sweet, right). It's not unusual to hear a manager go by & go "Star Wars again..". Too funny.
Of course I am crazed when it comes to the figures & it's not unusual for me to run next door to Toys R Us the second they open to look for the latest releases. Right now especially I'm going nuts because TRU has an exclusive wave of figures & it seems every TRU has gotten them except this one. Very frustrating...but it is all the sweeter when I finally find them. Yeah, I'm a nerd...;p

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